Visitors are welcome at all services. We look forward to meeting you and our ushers are available for any questions at the entrance.  
St Nicholas is a parish of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church USA , Ecumenical Patriarchate.


We Invite You to Worship With Us! 

Sunday Services
9:00am: 3rd & 6th Hours
9:30am: Divine Liturgy
Vespers  Saturday at 5pm


 ~ Coming Up ~
Wednesdays During March
Liturgy of the Presanctified  Gifts at 6pm
followed by Potluck supper
Special Services
Wednesday, April 2:  Complete Reading of the Great Canon
Wednesday, April 9:  Holy Unction
Saturday, April 12:  Divine Liturgy for Lazarus Saturday
Workday & Vespers follow

Complete Lent-Pascha Schedule

St. Nicholas Orthodox Church began in June 1998 as a mission effort of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. in November 2007, St. Nicholas Orthodox Parish was welcomed as a full-fledged Parish of the UOC of USA.


Special services for Feasts and Saints take place at St. Nicholas throughout the year. Other events that reflect the church's outreach to our community also occur. 'Read more' to find out what is happening this month.


St. Nicholas Orthodox Church is happy to share several resources with our visitors from a variety of online sources at the link below. Parish Resources are listed in the tab at the top of this page in the main menu bar.


Orthodox Christianity is about communion with God and, by His grace, growth in holiness. Our primary means of growth in this spiritual process is through our participation in the Sunday worship called the Divine Liturgy.
